

Immer auf dem neusten Stand mit PlantTec.

Kontinuierliche klinische Studien belegen die Sicherheit und Effektivität von 4DryField® PH:

Korell (2014): Combined Hemostasis and Adhesion Prevention with the Novel Agent 4DryField® PH — Initial Observations

Korell et al. (2016): Use of Modified Polysaccharide 4DryField® PH for Adhesion Prevention and Hemostasis in Gynecological Surgery: A Two-Center Observation Study by second-Look Laparoscopy

Ziegler et al. (2016): Uterine Perforation following a fractional curretage successfully treated with the modified polysacharide 4DryField® PH: A case report

Watrowski (2020): Unifying local hemostasis and adhesion prevention during gynaecologic laparoscopies: experiences with a novel, plant-based agent

Torres-de la Roche et al. (2020): A new approach to avoid ovarian failure as well function-impairing adhesion formation in endometrioma infertility surgery

Krämer et al. (2021): Peritoneal Adhesions and their Prevention – Current Trends

Krämer et al. (2021): Adhesion prevention after endometriosis surgery — results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial with secondlook laparoscopy

Ziegler et al. (2021): Changed inflammatory markers after application of 4DryField® PH for adhesion prevention in gynecological surgery

Ziegler & De Wilde (2022): Reduction of adhesion formation after gynaecological adhesiolysis surgery with 4DryField® PH – a retrospective, controlled study with second look laparoscopies

Moszynski et al. (2023): Using a Modified Polysaccharide as a Hemostatic Agent Results in Less Reduction of the Ovarian Reserve after Laparoscopic Surgery of Ovarian Tumors – Prospective Study

Krämer et al. (2023): Improvement in Fertility and Pain after Endometriosis Resection and Adhesion Prevention with 4DryField® PH: Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Lisa et al. (2023): 4Synless – comparison of effectiveness of 4DryField vs. Hyalobarrier gel for prevention of relapse of Asherman’s syndrome: feasibility study

Schaefer et al. (2024): Preventi on of peritoneal adhesions aft er gynecological surgery: a systemati c review

Alkatout et al. (2024): Adhesion Preventi on in Gynecologic Surgery: Guidance and Clinical Experience

Krämer et al.(2024): Erste Ergebnisse einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie zur intrauterinen Adhäsionsprophylaxe mit 4DryField® PH

Hanke et al. (2011): Effects of a New Microporous Polysaccharide Powder on Viscoelastic Characteristics of Clot Formation

Sieg et al. (2017): Effects of Microporous Polysaccharide Powder in a Model of Dilution on Viscoelastic Characteristics of Clot Formation – An In-Vitro Study