University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus – Basic course in gynaecological endoscopy – 12th – 14th September

#Universitätsklinikum #Pelvi #Carus #hysterotrainer #LASTT #hysteroscopy #laparsocopy #chromopertubation #endometriosis #adnexectomy #cyst #tubal pregnancy #endoscopy  #gynaecology #PlantTec #4DryField #adhesion #hemostasis #Sacromesh #exofin

In September, the basic gynaecological endoscopy course will take place from 12th – 14th at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus. The basic course provides content and knowledge to familiarise students with and train them in the complex surgical technique. This includes attending live operations as well as hands-on training on the hystero- and pelvitrainer and much more.

Our colleague, Anja Niemann, will be available before, during and after the event to answer questions about the adhesion barrier, haemostasis, gynaecological meshes and skin adhesives. Just get in touch with us!