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We are PlantTec

With us you will learn how to avoid complications
after surgery.

The support of surgeons and the well-being of patients are always in the focus of our actions. Our goal is to provide medical solutions that can be used individually, following nature’s example. At PlantTec Medical, we are convinced that plants can provide the ideal basis for numerous biomedical applications. With great commitment and enthusiasm, we follow our company motto: “Medical Solutions – Inspired by Nature”.

Solutions –
Inspired by Nature«

We are PlantTec

With us you will learn how to avoid complications avoid after surgery.

The support of surgeons and the well-being of patients are always in the focus of our actions. Our goal is to provide medical solutions that can be used individually, following nature’s example. At PlantTec Medical, we are convinced that plants can provide the ideal basis for numerous biomedical applications. With great commitment and enthusiasm, we follow our company motto: “Medical Solutions – Inspired by Nature”.

»Medical Solutions –
Inspired by Nature«

We are

We are

a passionate team of experts from medical and scientific disciplines who develop a customized solution for and with surgeons in the field of hemostasis and adhesion prevention.

Continuous studies at the highest scientific level ensure that our products meet the highest quality standards.

Please feel free to contact us about the studies.

PlantTec Medical: Ellen Laas PlantTec Medical: Prof. Dr. Joachim Laas Ellen LaasManaging DirectorProf. Dr. Joachim LaasScientific DirectorAlexandra VehlingExecutive Assistant & HR Officer
PlantTec Medical: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Simon WeigmannPlantTec Medical: Dr. rer. nat. Claas HaakePlantTec Medical: Noreen RietschDr. rer. nat. habil.
Simon Weigmann
Chief Marketing & Communication OfficerDr. rer. nat.
Claas Haake
Product & Medical ManagementNoreen RietschProduct Management
Product Management
PlantTec Medical: Sandra Kaluza PlantTec Medical: Sebastian Anger Sandra KaluzaHead of Quality Management & Regulatory AffairsSebastian AngerQuality ManagementIsabell WahlQuality Management & Regulatory Affairs
Wynal WambaQuality Management
PlantTec Medical: Ellen LaasEllen LaasManaging Director PlantTec Medical: Prof. Dr. Joachim Laas Prof. Dr. Joachim LaasScientific Director Alexandra VehlingKarin RubanProject Manager Research & DevelopmentExecutive Assistant & HR Officer
PlantTec Medical: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Simon WeigmannDr. rer. nat. habil.
Simon Weigmann
Chief Marketing & Communication OfficerPlantTec Medical: Dr. rer. nat. Claas HaakeDr. rer. nat.
Claas Haake
Product & Medical Management PlantTec Medical: Noreen RietschNoreen RietschProduct ManagementPerihan WeitbrechtDr. rer. nat. Julia FarrGlobal Product ManagementMedical Writer
PlantTec Medical: Sandra KaluzaSandra KaluzaHead of Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs PlantTec Medical: Sebastian Anger Sebastian AngerQuality Management Isabell WahlWynal WambaQuality Management & Regulatory AffairsQuality Management
PlantTec Medical: Ellen LaasEllen LaasSales International
PlantTec Medical: Anita Otter Anita OtterCustomer Serviceto contact!
PlantTec Medical: Ellen LaasEllen LaasSales International PlantTec Medical: Anita Otter Anita OtterBackoffice

Quality management

Quality management

Our quality management system at PlantTec Medical meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 13485-2016 and is certified by the Notified Body DNV MEDCERT in Hamburg.

Our design and development work meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 13485-2016, the European Medical Device Directive MDD 93/42/ECC, and the German Medical Device Directive Implementation Act (MPDG).