“Endometriosis Update Compact” at the Oberschwabenklinik – on March 8
#Oberschwabenklinik #Elisabethen-#Klinikum #Ravensburg #endometriosis #pathophysiology #endometriosis centers #operative #robots #endometriosis #therapy #malignoma #Guttenberg #Gropp-#Meier #PlantTec #4DryField #adhesion
On March 8, an event entitled “Endometriosis Update Compact” will take place at the Oberschwabenklinik, St. Elisabethen-Klinikum in Ravensburg. The day will focus on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of endometriosis, the work of the endometriosis centers and the EM working group, surgical treatment of endometriosis, the use of a surgical robot, the current status of conservative endometriosis treatment, the desire to have children and the risk of malignancy in endometriosis.
We wish all participants an interesting and informative day.