4th Visceral Medicine Symposium Chemnitz: “Pancreatic carcinoma, benign liver tumors and interesting cases from practice” – May 25

#visceral medicine #pancreatic #cancer #liver #tumors #neoadjuvant #surgery #oncology #lesions #PlantTec #4DryField #adhesion #hemostasis

On May 25, the 4th Visceral Medicine Symposium Chemnitz will take place under the title “Pancreatic carcinoma, benign liver tumors and interesting cases from practice” on behalf of Chemnitz Hospital under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. med. habil. Lutz Mirow and PD Dr. med. habil. Thaddäus Till Wissniowski. As the title suggests, the focus will be on pancreatic cancer – new guidelines, neoadjuvant therapy, interesting cases from visceral surgery, gastrointestinal oncology, internal medicine and gastroenterology, diagnostics of benign liver lesions, surgical and interventional therapy of benign liver tumors and much more.